Гумиможе да се расклопат и соберат само обучени професионалци со специјална опрема.
Ве молиме, потврдете дека воздушниот притисок на возилото е нормален во целосно ладена состојба. Точното
гума pressure is conducive to environmental protection, safety and economy. Too high or too lowгума pressure is dangerous and may cause accidents orгума damage.
Гуми of the same specification and model must be used on the same axle, andгумаs of different sizes or configurations must not be mixed.
Когаrim is damaged or deformed, it is not allowed to installгумаs and continue using it.
When theгума is worn to the wear indicator, you must not continue driving, and theгума should be replaced immediately.
гума cord breaks, the bulge or theгума steel wire and cord are exposed, it must be stopped immediately.
If theгума has been used for too long (more than three years), when the sidewall has serious ozone aging and cracking, it is not allowed to continue to be used.
The surface of theгума shall not be in contact with chemically corrosive materials such as oils and fats.
Theгумаs are changed for half a year or every 5000 kilometers.